Portland Trailblazers’ dud center Greg Oden sat down today and apologized for pictures of his enormous penis that are making rounds on the internet:
SportsChat is very disappointed in Greg Oden. While it is great that there is now empirical evidence beyond his stats that Oden truly is a big stiff, SportsChat sees no reason for him to apologize. If SportsChat had a piece like that, its photo would likely replace the rather smarmy looking head shot at the top of this blog. Nobody likes a braggart, but SportsChat understands it’s hard to speak softly when you are packing such a big stick.
SportsChat remembers a simpler time when a man could send a woman a Polaroid of his penis and the only thing he had to worry about was a restraining order. He also remembers when men used to simply suck their stomachs in and puff their chests out to impress a female. But times, they are a changing.
Of course, ladies and gentleman around the world have often wondered if seven-foot basketball players are proportionate across the board. Gred Oden answers this age old question in the affirmative. Here’s the money shot.
Now if Yao Ming would just let a penis pic slip, he could do the world a service by potentially eradicating the myth about Asian men and making the Google-China fued a moot point by exploding search engine servers worldwide.
So there is no need to apologize, Greg. You are very well endowed, and undoubtebly very proud. The only person here who should be apologizing is the chick who posted these online.
What is the world coming to when a sweet gesture like taking a picture of your own cock in the bathroom mirror and “sexting” it to a woman you barely know can be so easily twisted into something dirty?
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