-Shock in the Commons as footballer's name finally revealed by MP
-Media reveals Giggs is the star with injunction as Twitter goes crazy
-High Court rejects two attempts in one day to lift gagging order

Ryan Giggs paid the price of his secrecy battle yesterday as Parliament launched a dramatic fightback against the judiciary.
Days ago, judges had suggested MPs could lose their centuries-old right to speak freely at Westminster.
But yesterday – hours after a court insisted his name must be kept secret – Giggs was identified in the House by a campaigning Liberal Democrat backbencher.
Scroll down to see a video of the dramatic events inside the House of Commons today

John Hemming’s intervention, applauded by fellow MPs, signalled a looming constitutional crisis and the end of the Manchester United star’s fight to maintain his reputation as a faithful husband – despite an alleged affair with model Imogen Thomas.

He has spent at least £150,000 on lawyers to keep the affair secret – even though tens of thousands of computer users have posted his name on Twitter and other internet sites.
Yesterday morning David Cameron admitted he knew who the mystery footballer was after Giggs’s name had been published in newspapers around the world, including in Scotland.
The secrecy battle over the footballer’s alleged affair is growing into a full-scale clash between Parliament and the courts.
Last Friday – in a landmark report on privacy law – Master of the Rolls Lord Neuberger threatened contempt proceedings against journalists who report attempts by MPs and peers to circumvent privacy injunctions by raising matters in Parliament.
Even after Giggs was named in the Commons, a judge passed a fresh order banning anyone from saying who he was.
Mr Justice Tugendhat insisted the order should remain in force even though by then it was being reported by every news website, including the BBC’s, and by the Press Association news agency.
This meant that those who flouted it risked a prison sentence.
But the Commons’ highest authority, the Speaker, John Bercow, ruled that Giggs could in fact be named.

Labour MP Thomas Docherty asked Mr Bercow if those reporting the Commons had the same privileges of free speech as MPs. The Speaker declared: ‘The answer to that is yes.’
Yesterday’s events followed weeks of growing tension over privacy law, which has been developed by judges on the back of Labour’s Human Rights Act.
Giggs was given his gagging order on April 14 by Mr Justice Eady, the judge most closely associated with the development of privacy law.

Disastrously, Giggs then decided to instruct his lawyers to try to silence Twitter, which was being used by thousands to name him in connection with Miss Thomas. The move led directly to yesterday’s exposure.

The MP added: ‘Before he sued Twitter there was no public interest in naming him. However, when his lawyers decided to go on a “search and destroy” against the ordinary people who gossip on Twitter he had taken a step that should not be done anonymously.’
Mr Hemming made his intervention shortly after Mr Justice Eady had in the High Court refused to allow newpapers to name Giggs despite the fact that most of the country knew his name.
Before he was interrupted by the Speaker, the MP said: ‘With about 75,000 people having named Ryan Giggs on Twitter, it is obviously impracticable to imprison them all ...’

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